Privacy Policy Statement

"Information" information, data, contents, analysis, news, reports, programmes, photographs, pictures, graphics, video, audio, software and other materials and service, communication, transmission and other items, tangible or intangible

"Personal Data" personally identifying information or sensitive data (including but not limited to names, ages, addresses, occupations, contacts, other personal details and credit card information)

"Service" service include our Websites: ", and" and such other services as may be offered from time to time on the Website

"Minifair", "we", "our" or "us" Minifair Asia Ltd. "Minifair"

"Minifair Affiliates", "our Affiliates" Minifair's agents or licensors, and their respective agents, officers, affiliates and employees

"Third Party Provider" any provider of Information or services to the Website other than Minifair

"user", "you" or "your" any person who accesses the Website

"Website", and and other website(s) from time to time hosted by Minifair

1. Our Policy

We take seriously the protection of privacy of the users of the Website. This Privacy Policy Statement explains our privacy practices.

We promise to respect your privacy when collecting, storing and transmitting personal data.

2. Collection of Personal Data

You may need to register, pay a fee and/or provide personal data in order to have access to certain Information or Services on the Website. Refusal to supply personal data may result in Minifair being unable to process the request.

Whenever you submit enquiries or feedback to us, it will require your personal data which will then be recorded and collated by us.

We shall make a record of your visit to the Website that shows the domain name server address part of your email address and of the pages visited. We only collect aggregate information about the number and types of visitors by reference to their domain name server address. This information is used by us for preparing general statistics on the usage of our Website.

3. Use of Personal Data

The main purposes for which personal data may be used by us are:

* processing your application or registration for Services, order, enquiry or feedback
* incorporation into Minifair's database
* provision of contacts and business details in response to enquiries
* Minifair's operations
* marketing services
* meeting requirements to make disclosure under any law applicable in or outside Hong Kong
* auditing
* collection of amounts owing to Minifair
* other related purposes

The personal data may be used by us both in and outside Hong Kong.

4. Disclosure to Third Parties

Personal data held by Minifair will be kept confidential but Minifair may provide such information to:

* any personnel, agent, adviser, auditor, contractor or service provider who provides services or advice to Minifair in connection with Minifair's operations
* any person under a duty of confidentiality to Minifair
* any person to whom Minifair is required to make disclosure under any law applicable in or outside Hong Kong
* any actual or proposed transferee or participant of Minifair's operations

You should also note that the privacy protection stated in this Privacy Policy Statement does not apply to Information which has been passed to third parties in the course of providing the Services (e.g. Information may be passed to vendors of products to be sold on-line), and we are not responsible for the privacy protection or lack thereof on the part of such third parties.

5. Marketing

From time to time, we may conduct direct marketing of Minifair's products or services via faxes, e-mails, direct mails, tele-marketing and/or other forms of communication to you. You may choose to opt-out of receiving such promotional material.

In order to fully enjoy the services of the Website, we encourage you to receive such promotional materials which have been specially prepared for you.

6. Hyperlinks

This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to the Website. If you click on any advertisement or hyperlink linking to another website, you will leave the Website for another location. The protection of your privacy, personal data and your exposure to cookies are not the responsibility of Minifair and you should refer to the privacy policies of that other location (if any).

7. Cookies

Cookies are used by some websites to track or modify a user's interaction with the site based on information sent by the user's internet browser to the server. These cookies may be saved permanently on the user's personal computer.

The Website does use cookies. Cookies are essential for the functioning of certain applications and services; if use of cookies is disabled on your browser, it will have an adverse effect on your enjoyment of the Website.

We also collect statistics on pages viewed on the Website and usage patterns in order that we may measure traffic, gauge the popularity of various parts of the Website and gain some general statistics about our users and market the Website to advertisers, with whom we may share summarized traffic data. This information does not identify you as an individual.

8. Security

Where personal data is stored electronically, it will be kept in a password-protected form. Personal data, whether stored in electronic form on computers or in hard-copy form will be accessible only by authorized employees of Minifair. Employees designated to handle personal data will be made acquainted with this Privacy Policy Statement and told how to fulfill our obligations to you.

9. Use of Personal Data in Legal Proceedings

If it becomes necessary that we have to take action against you for any reason whatsoever including unpaid fees, you expressly agree that the personal data provided by you can be relied upon in identifying and taking action against you.

10. Data Retention

Minifair retains personal data so long as the data is still required for the purposes mentioned above. We reserve the right to retain copies for archival purposes indefinitely.

11. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

Under this Ordinance, you may have the right:

* to check whether Minifair holds data about you and to access such data
* to require Minifair to correct any inaccurate data relating to you
* to ascertain Minifair's policies and practices in relation to personal data and the kind of
* personal data held by Minifair

Minifair may charge a reasonable fee for processing any data access request.

12. Data Requestions, Questions and Complaints

Data access or correction requests and questions or complaints should be addressed to:

Sales Manager
Minifair Asia Ltd.
11B Winsan Tower
98 Thomson Road
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2892-1896
Fax: (852) 2865-6521

13. Chinese Version

If there is any conflict or difference between the Chinese version of this Privacy Policy Statement and its English version, the English version prevails. If any part of the Chinese version is unclear, reference should be made to the English version. The Chinese version may not be translated into English for the purpose of comparing with or interpreting the English version.


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Tel: (852)2892-1896 Fax: (852)2865-6521 E-mail:
P.O. Box 20249 Hennessy Road Hong Kong