Terms & Conditions

Please take a few moments to read these terms and conditions prior to ordering any goods from this Web Site. These terms and conditions govern the use of this Website and the purchase of any goods from it.

Should you have any questions or wish to clarify the meaning of any of these terms and conditions, please contact Minifair Asia Ltd. at (852) 2892-1896 prior to ordering any goods from this Website.

Acknowledgment and acceptance of terms and conditions

Thewww.i-catstreet.com, www.kingyoko.com and www.minifair.com are owned and operated by Minifair Asia Limited ("Minifair"). By accessing, browsing or using this Website, you agree to these terms, conditions and disclaimers as amended from time to time ("Terms & Conditions") and acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions. By purchasing an item from this Website and/or by completing the registration process to become a member of Minifair ("a Member"), you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Minifair may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Any amendment will be effective immediately. Your continued use of this Website after any amendment become effective constitute an agreement by you to abide and be bound by these Terms and Conditions, as so amended.

Pricing of Goods

Minifair seeks, to the greatest extent possible, to follow the relevant manufacturers recommended retail prices; failing which goods will be priced competitively taking market prices into account.

Information you provided to us

You agree to provide certain current, complete and accurate information about yourself as prompted to do so by this Website. You also agree to maintain and update this information as required, to keep it current, complete and accurate.

All information provided by you when you signed up to become a Member or which you provided when placing an order is referred to in these Terms and Conditions as "User Information". When you provided any User Information you are representing and warranting that all of the information provided is true and correct and are agreeing to indemnify Minifair on just demand for any losses, cost expenses or damages that Minifair may suffer if any of this information is incorrect or misleading.

You should review the Minifair Privacy Statement for further information concerning the collection and usage of User Information. You grant to Minifair the right to disclose aspects of your User Information as expressed in the Minifair Privacy Statement.

You must not transmit or attempt to transmit any material of any kind to this Website, which contains a virus, malicious computer code or other harmful component or otherwise attempt to alter any of the contents on this Website.

If any User Information provided by you is incomplete or inaccurate or you attempt to transmit any material of any kind to this Website which contains a virus, malicious computer code or another harmful component or if you otherwise attempt to alter any of the content of this Website, or you are otherwise in breach of these Terms and Conditions, Minifair shall have the right to terminate your rights to purchasing goods or services from this Website at any time without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to Minifair under the applicable law.

You acknowledge and consent to the disclosure by Minifair to any law enforcement agency in any jurisdiction that is investigating any breach or suspected breach of any law in any jurisdiction of your identity or other information provided by you to this Website, upon being requested to do so by that law enforcement agency.


The goods and services offered for sale at www.minifair.com are only available to individuals who can make legally binding contracts. The goods and services are not available to persons under the age of 18 years old and any other persons who are legally prohibited from entering into binding contracts.

Any party engaging in illegal activities involving the use of this Website, including but not limited to gambling or running of lotteries, will be subject to civil and criminal prosecution; and Minifair reserves its rights to claim against such party for any loss or damages which Minifair may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a result of any such illegal use or activities. Minifair cannot guarantee that it can always notice or be able to prevent any illegal or inappropriate use of this Website, nor can Minifair guarantee that it can give notice or warning in respect thereof.

We shall not be liable to you or any other party for any loss, which you may suffer as a result of any illegal or improper use of this Website by any user or any other customer or party.

Ordering goods

Any order placed by you in the manner described in this Website is an offer by you to purchase a particular product or service for the price (including the delivery and other charges) specified in this Website at the time you place your order. Minifair reserves the right to accept or reject your offer for any reason, including, without limitation, the unavailability of any product, an error in the price or the product description posted on this Website, or an error in your order. There may be other reasons why Minifair cannot fulfill your order. Therefore, your contract with Minifair only becomes effective binding and enforceable when Minifair advises you that it has accepted your order and receipt of your payment has been confirmed.

Prices of goods and services and delivery and other charges displayed on this Website are current at the time of issue, but may change at any time and are subject to availability. The availability of products as well as their prices and other services may change from time to time without any prior notice.

Minifair will retain title to the goods you order until you have made payment in full for those goods, but all risk in the goods will pass to you on dispatch from Minifair warehouse.

You are responsible for any taxes, duties or other liabilities imposed by any governmental agency, including without limitation, any customs duty, goods and services taxes or any value added tax imposed on any goods or services acquired or ordered by you from this Website.

You shall also ensure that your order or purchase of any goods from us does not contravene any rules, regulations or loss of any jurisdictions to which you are subject; and you agree to indemnify on demand any loss which Minifair may suffer as a result of any such contravention.

The listing of all products and their corresponding prices on our site is and shall be deemed to be our invitation to you to make an offer to order and purchase any of the said products at the relevant prices.
Until your receipt of our confirmation and acceptance of your order, there is no binding contract and all product prices are subject to change prior to such confirmation and acceptance.


You should review the Minifair Delivery Information contained on this Website for information concerning delivery. The delivery times given on this Website are indicative only. Minifair will not be liable for any failure to observe these delivery times. You understand and agree that you shall not be entitled to withdraw or modify any commitment made for the purchase of goods from this Website once that commitment has been made for any reason, including without limitation, due to any delay in delivery.


You should review the Minifair Returns Policy contained on this Website for information concerning returns. You agree to be bound by the terms of the returns policy and Minifair's liability is limited as expressed in that policy and these Terms and Conditions.


Your ability to purchase goods and services from this Website may be terminated at any time by Minifair without notice. All licenses granted by you and all disclaimers and limitations of Minifair's liability will survive termination.

Should you object to any of these Terms and Conditions (including any subsequent amendments), you must immediately discontinue the use of this Website, and if applicable notify Minifair and terminate your membership.

Links to other Websites

This site contains links to Web sites maintained by other companies and organizations. Minifair does not make any representation as to the accuracy of information contained on those Web sites and will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, ownership or any other aspect of the information contained on those Websites.

This Website also contains third party advertisements (including banner ads and referral buttons), which contain embedded hyperlinks to Websites operated by third parties. All third parties advertising is paid for by the relevant third party advertisers and the placement of third party advertisements on this Website does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Minifair of the goods or services advertised. The third party advertiser is solely responsible to you for any representations or offers made by it and for the delivery of any goods or services you agree to purchase from any third party Website.


Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in the information on this Web Site is owned by Minifair. All rights reserved. This site or any portion of this site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, re-sold or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose that is not expressly permitted by Minifair. You may download a single copy of the information on this Web Site and, where necessary for its use as a reference, keep a temporary copy in your computer cache and make a single hard copy of that information or other applicable laws. No part of the information contained on this Web Site may be otherwise reproduced, adapted, performed in public or transmitted in any form by any process (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including further copying, recording, taping or by a storage and information retrieval system) without the specific prior written consent of Minifair.

Review and comments

The Minifair Website enables visitors to its sites to post reviews of and comments on products featured on this Website. If you post reviews or comments on this Website, you grant to Minifair, its related bodies corporate, its directors, officers and employees a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable and fully sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute and display such reviews and comments throughout the world in any media. You expressly waive in favor of Minifair and any other person authorized by Minifair all moral and similar rights in any jurisdiction, which you have or acquire in respect of such reviews and comments. You also grant to Minifair and its related bodies corporate, directors, officers, employees and sub-licensees the right to use and publish your name, which you will be required to submit with any review or comment, in connection with that review or comment. You agree not to post anywhere, any review or comment that contains any unlawful, criminal, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent information or material of any kind or which violates or infringes upon the rights of any person. If you do, you agree to indemnify Minifair for any losses, costs, expenses or damages that Minifair may suffer as a result.

Bulletin Boards

By using any Bulletin Board or feedback facility on Minifair.com you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the following:

1. You are solely responsible for evaluating accuracy and completeness of any content on this Website and the Bulletin Boards and the value and quality of any of the goods offered by third parties on this Website and/or the Bulletin Boards. Minifair.com has no responsibility whatsoever in respect of any transaction involving third party content and/or third party goods and services.

2. We do not screen users' material or the content of material and information inputted by users on the Bulletin Boards. We do, however, reserve the absolute right (but shall in no way be obliged) to remove users material and any content from the Bulletin boards at any time without prior authorization or notice, in particular any material, which is offensive, defamatory, obscene and/or unlawful. We reserve the right to terminate any contract or business relationship with you in the event that you place such material on any Bulletin Board, and we reserve our right to claim against you or any other party in respect thereof should we suffer any claims or loss as a result.

3. We cannot and shall not be held liable or responsible for content put in by third parties and by entering into a contract with us, you accept that we shall not be liable or otherwise responsible and you agree to waive any claims against us including claims for distress, injuries, loss, liability, damage arising from or in connection with your, or third parties using and accessing of the contents or goods and services. You will indemnify us against claims against us arising from your use of our Bulletin Boards and web site of any content which you post or create.

4. You agree to use the Bulletin Boards for lawful purposes only and in a manner which does not infringe the rights (including but not limited to intellectual property rights) of third parties. In particular Bulletin Boards must not be used:

(i) To conceal your identity or impersonate others.
(ii) To cause annoyance or inconvenience to others.
(iii) To spam.
(iv) To upload and download, use or reuse any material which is offensive, abusive, defamatory, indecent, obscene, fraudulent or otherwise unlawful in any way whatsoever.
(v) In connection with any other criminal offence.
(vi) To disrupt or prevent the functioning of others' use of this Website or any of its services.
(vii) To post computer viruses of any nature or to engage in computer misuse.

Virus warning

Minifair does not represent that any information (including any file) obtained from or through this Website is free from computer viruses or other faults or defects. It is your responsibility to scan any such information for computer viruses. Minifair will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or economic), however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise, which may result directly or indirectly from any such information. To the extent that any applicable law that cannot be excluded imposes any liability on Minifair, that liability shall be limited to the cost of re-supplying that information.

Release and indemnity

You hereby waive, release, forgive, discharge and relinquish any and all claims that you now have or may have against Minifair, its related bodies corporate, directors, employees, agents and representatives which are connected with, arise out of, relate to or are incidental to any transaction.

You hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold Minifair, its related bodies corporate, directors, employees, agents and representatives harmless from and against any and all claims, loss, damage, tax, liability and/or expense that may be incurred by Minifair, its related bodies corporate, directors, employees, agents and representatives arising out of or in connection with the performance of its duties as described in these Terms and Conditions including the legal costs, fees and expenses of defending itself against any claim by any or all of the parties to any transaction and/or by any other person and/or as a result of you taking any action or refraining from taking any action or instituting or defending any action or legal proceeding.

You further agree to indemnify and hold Minifair, its related bodies corporate, directors, employees, agents and representatives harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of this Website, the violation of these Terms and Conditions by you, or the infringement by you, or other users of this Website using your user ID, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.

Applicable law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR. You and Minifair agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong SAR. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision(s) shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the parties with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect. Minifair's failure to exercise or enforce any rights or provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or provisions unless acknowledged and agreed to by Minifair in writing.

Limitation of liability

Minifair shall in no way be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, resulting from your use or your inability to use this Website or for the cost of procurement of substitute products or services or resulting from any products or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through this Website or resulting from unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data or of any information contained on this Website, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, use, data or other intangible, even if Minifair has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


The following disclaimers and exclusions are in addition and without prejudice to the other disclaimers and exclusion clauses contained hereinabove.

The information contained in this Website is provided by Minifair in good faith. The information is believed to be accurate and current at the date the information was placed on this Website. You should rely on your own due diligence and checks in connection with the accuracy or otherwise of the information provided in respect to goods and services.

None of Minifair, its related bodies corporate, any of their directors, officers or employees makes any representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this Website (including in relation to any products or services) and none of them accept any responsibility arising in any way (including negligence) for the legality or accuracy of, or errors in, or omissions from, the information contained on this Website or any of the contents of any of the Bulletin Boards posted by any users or third parties. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Minifair disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness including any particular purpose and/or non-infringement of third party property rights, in relation to the goods and services supplied by it. Minifair makes no warranty that the Website or any products or services advertised on this Website will meet your requirements, or that this Website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free.

You expressly acknowledge and agree that Minifair does not control other users of this Website or the suppliers of goods and services purchased from this Website and Minifair is therefore not liable for their opinions or their behavior, including any information or advice provided by them or any defamatory statements made by them or any offensive conduct on their part.

No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from or through this Website creates any warranty not expressly made in these Terms and Conditions.

Information on this Website relating to goods and services has been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong law for the supply of goods and services in Hong Kong only. This information may not satisfy the laws of any other country. To the extent that it does not satisfy the laws of the country in which you reside or from which you are accessing this Website, it is not directed at you and cannot be relied upon by you and you are unable to order any goods from this Website. If you do, you agree to indemnify Minifair for any losses, costs, expenses or damages Minifair may suffer as a consequence.


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Legal Notices (c) 2001, Minifair Asia Limited.
Tel: (852)2892-1896 Fax: (852)2865-6521 E-mail: info@minifair.com
P.O. Box 20249 Hennessy Road Hong Kong